Ichio Usui | a layer
Focusing on plants as the subject, this artwork is an attempt to represent the resilience of life as well as the beauty of its transient and fleeting nature by documenting the minute changes in their daily growth, including the process by which they wither. The artist began photographing these plants in 2016 when he learned that they grew for decades without blossoming, only to pour all their life force into flowering before shriveling up. Plants indifferently fulfill their roles as nature intends regardless of what humans want. The artist associated this somewhat bold way of life with the spirit of wabi-sabi—which he has subconsciously inherited as a Japanese person—and this has, in turn, helped to awaken a sense of beauty in him that can be characterized as uniquely Japanese. By studying the tranquil lives of plants, I seek to explore the wonders of the human life as well as contemplate life and death.
Venue | Tsubomido
Address |90 Tanakakamiyanagi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto >Google Map
Open: 10/1-10/17 11:00-18:00(11:00-22:00 on 10/1 *Nuit Blanche 2021)
Closed: Wed. Thu.
Tel: 090-4178-9725