Maude Arsenault |Entangled 1 & 2
Since 2014, Benrido has organised the HARIBAN AWARD, an international collotype photography competition. The competition aims to provide the opportunity for contemporary artists working in photography to realise their work through the collotype process, an alternative photographic printing technique invented over 160 years ago. The Grand Prize Winner of the award is given a two-week residency in Kyoto and a solo exhibition of their works. During their residency, the winner works closely with the master printers of Benrido Collotype Atelier, learning about the technique and producing their winning works in collotype which is then exhibited in a solo exhibition. This exhibition will present the winning works of the 7th Grand Prize Winner of the Hariban Award held in 2020, Maude Arsenault, titled Entangled 1&2. After a long career in working in fashion photography, Arsenault’s practice works to rethink and reflect on the current social condition of female gender, a state that compels us to question the foundation to which young women today refer in the way they form and shape.
Venue |MEDIA SHOP gallery
Address |1F VOX Building, 44 Daikoku-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto >Google Map
Open: 9/21-10/17 12:00-20:00
Open everyday
Tel: 075-255-0783