The digitalization of things has made everything in human society more efficient and convenient. Among them, the spread of social networking services (SNS) has made it easier to connect people with each other, but at the same time, it has also become a device that easily creates disconnection. I think this has become more apparent since last year, when we were unable to see people for a long time due to external factors. Relationships with others are changing faster than ever every day, and my heart is on the brink of screaming as it tries to adapt to the speed of the changes. One day, I saw the back of my loved one looking lonely, and I wanted to gently hug him with my two arms. I hugged my nearest and dearest. The act of telling someone that you are there for them, even without words, is a common language in the world and creates a sense of security. I wondered how much easier it would be to breathe if I could just live a little more slowly. Individually and quietly, I ponder. We worry, we remember, we take a step forward, but then we turn back. And yet, we are not left behind. We live slowly. I dream of such a world.
Venue |KG+SQUARE by Chushin, room 2F-2
Address |113 Nakaicho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto >Google Map
Open: 9/17-10/17 10:00-18:00
Closed: 9/27, 10/4, 10/11