KG+SQUARE by Chushin
2021 9/17〜10/17 10:00-18:00
Closed : 9/27, 10/4, 10/11
KG+SQUARE will be set up in the former welfare center of the Kyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank. This three-story historical building will house, on the main first floor, the KG+Information Center, an art shop selling works by KG+ artists and photobooks from publishers, a photo exhibition introducing the 80-year history of the Kyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank, and other special exhibitions. In the several private rooms on the second and third floors, there will be solo exhibitions by young artists, special programs, and more.
KG+SQUARE, located just in front of Kyoto Station, will be a hub for the more than 100 KYOTOGRAPHIE / KG+ programs held all over the city, and an open space where information, artworks, and people gather.

Venue:former welfare center of the Kyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank
600-8219 Shichijo-dori Karasuma Nishiiri113, Nakai-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
6 min from Kyoto Station on foot
Organizer: Kyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank, KG+
Sponsor: Kyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank