Friend or foe and the Eastern sea so Green
Loulou d'Aki
Loulou d’Aki is a visual artist and photographer, born and raised on the Swedish seaside. Her work evolves around the idea of freedom, borders and how human beings are conditioned by society. Alongside commissioned work, she focuses on long term projects which turn into exhibitions and books. She is the author of the book '' They call us dreamers, but we're the ones who don't sleep.’’. Her personal work has been exhibited in galleries and festivals internationally. Lou was a singer before she became a photographer. She speaks Swedish, English, Italian, French and gets by in Spanish, German Hebrew and Yiddish. Middle Eastern based from 2010 - 2015, Loulou d’Aki is currently based between Sweden and Greece. She works all around the world.

- Statement -
We played with grandmother, my sister and I. Sometimes, when the sound of a low-flying airplane was heard above our roof, grandmother would turn her face up and shout: “ The Russians are coming! ” The playing stopped for a moment and I realized that her childhood was much different from ours.
Grandmother, you used to laugh until you couldn’t stand up straight but you couldn’t sleep at night.
I remember the smell of your skin when you played with us. It was a smell of older people, a sweet smell of talc powder from the bottle in your bathroom cabinet. Your hands were cold but your body was warm and soft. I moved far away after you died grandma and for years I surrounded myself by a collective fear. I went places where people were afraid for tangible reasons. It was a different kind of fear, a real and relatable one. At home I never felt any reason to be fearful and I wondered why you did.
On my travels for work people ask me all sorts of questions about fear. Then sometimes I think of you lying awake at night in your bedroom with the dark red wallpaper and the framed pictures of royal families, and I think of us playing on a Saturday morning and I think of you being afraid of an invisible enemy and how me and my sister can’t understand and I think it must be your childhood. I went home a while ago and saw that those kinds of headlines had come back again and it made me think of you. So it came back, the fear, your fear. And so, maybe you were right after all, I thought.